Peripheral Artery Disease with Graft Occlusion
Illustrated Verdict, Inc. © All rights reserved.
Case Overview:
This case involved claims against a vascular surgeon and complications from peripheral artery disease. In her left leg she was diagnosed with high grade stenosis involving left common iliac artery and an 18 cm left popliteal artery aneurysm. She also had a large above knee popliteal artery intraluminal aneurysm in right leg. She underwent a stent of left common iliac and stent of left popliteal aneurysm. A month later she had an occlusion of left popliteal arterial stent. She had thrombolysis with tPA which was unsuccessful so they performed a vein graft bypass on her left leg. Unfortunately, her left leg failed to improve and they had to perform a below the knee amputation. The jury found in favor of the defense.