Fall / Delayed Brain Bleed

Illustrated Verdict, Inc. © All rights reserved.

Case Overview:

A woman fell out of her bed in a nursing home, and she hit her head. Nurses closely watched her for a day and a half without noting any neurological deficits. The treating physician told the nurses to give her a dose of Coumadin because she didn't present with any neurological symptoms for a while after the fall. She remained at baseline for 2 days after the fall. The physician then sent her to the hospital for a head CT as a precaution, and the results were normal. A wrist fracture was noted as an injury from the fall. She remained in the hospital and then started to go downhill. Another CT was done, and it showed a large subdural hematoma with a midline shift. Unfortunately, she did not do well and passed away.

The jury found in favor of the defense.