24wk Preemie / Breech Delivery
Illustrated Verdict, Inc. © All rights reserved.
Case Overview:
A woman went into labor at only 24 week gestation and there was a 50% abruption of the placenta. The preemie presented in a breech position, bottom and feet first. Post delivery, the 24 week preemie was extremely small and they discovered bleeds throughout the brain. The baby was also having issues breathing, while experiencing respiratory distress syndrome. The plaintiff claimed that the trauma of breech delivery caused the brain bleeds as the baby also had a “ping pong” fracture on the left side of his skull. The defense wanted to show that the bleeds were throughout the brain, not only at the location of the fracture. These types of bleeds are known complications of premature births, along with breathing problems. The jury found in favor of the defense.