Carpal Tunnel Release / Nerve Injury
Illustrated Verdict, Inc. © All rights reserved.
Case Overview:
A patient had a carpal tunnel release procedure and following the procedure he developed pain and numbness in the hand. He then underwent an exploratory procedure by a different surgeon where a partial thickness injury to the common digital nerve to the third web space (which is a branch of the median nerve) was identified. During the carpal tunnel release a scalpel is used to divide the transverse carpal ligament, but the surgeons take extra care to protect the nerve by inserting a hemostat under the ligament over the nerve so it does not become injured by the scalpel. Unfortunately the nerves are hyperemic (have increased blood flow) and are more prone to injury. The defense believed that the hemostat was more likely to have caused the injury than the scalpel, but it was within the standard of care to have used it. The case was voluntarily dismissed.