Biopsy of Breast Mass / Punctured Lung
Illustrated Verdict, Inc. © All rights reserved.
Case Overview:
A woman with a history of breast cancer in her family presented with a lump in the inferior medial portion of her left breast as well as enlarged lymph nodes in her left axilla. She was recommended to get an ultrasound-guided core biopsy of the mass in the breast. During the procedure the biopsy gun was fired three times. In the operative report it was explained that she experienced some discomfort on the second firing of the biopsy gun, and she unexpectedly sat upright and leaned forward causing the biopsy needle to enter her deep anterior chest wall tissues, possibly causing a pneumothorax. Post-op a chest film showed a moderate-sized left pneumothorax with partial collapse of her left lung. The goal was to show that, as explained in the operative report, the gun was in the proper position and was aimed parallel to the chest wall. It was the patient’s movement that unfortunately caused the injury to her lung. The jury found in favor of the defense.