IV Fetal Strip Library (from courses)
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1. The fhrt is as follows: (baseline hr 150 bpm, normal variability, one acceleration. 1 classic late deceleration is seen in a series of 5 contractions occurring over a 10 minute window. (the late decelerations are too deep (some are nadiring at 50-60 bpm below baseline. Normal lates are more subtle usually 10-30 bpm at most below baseline)
1. The following fhrt is seen a fhrt with the following features: baseline 155 bpm, normal variability, 3 prominent accelerations, 1variable deceleration to 80 bpm lasting only 30 seconds from baseline to baseline , and 1 variable deceleration to 70 bpm lasting 60 seconds from baseline to baseline in a 10 minute window
1. the following fhrt For the first 7 minutes, the baseline is stable at 155 bpm, normal variability and 1 acceleration. There is then a 4 minute bradycardia to 60 bpm with recovery over 1 minute to a baseline of 105-110 bpm. Over the next 8 minutes the baseline remains at 105-110 bpm, with 2 episodes of brief (15 second) “acceleration” to 125 bpm, returning to baseline of 105-110 bpm
1. Nine contractions, each 50-60 sec long, in last 20 minutes. Baseline rate at +/- 150 bpm over 20 minute panel with minimal variability
Three mild-moderate variable decelerations - (varying in duration from20-35 sec each to nadir varying between 105 to 120 bpm ( 4, 10 and 16 minutes in the 20 minute segment). There is no progression in depth or duration of the decelerations - random
There is one 18-bpm acceleration at minute 8-9 in the last 20 minutes
Category 2 with mild to moderate variable decelerations and minimal variability
1. Contractions:11 in 20 minutes, each lasting +/- 50-55 seconds.
Baseline +/- 165 bpm with minimal variability
Four mild to moderate, (but not unusual variable decelerations down to range of 105 to 125 bpm at minute 4, 11, 17 minutes, each with duration varying between 25-35 seconds.- with prompt return to baseline. There is no progression in depth or duration of decelerations – random.
There are no spontaneous accelerations.
Indicate scalp stimulation at minute 18 with no resultant acceleration
1. Contractions – 6 contractions / 10 minutes x 70 seconds with asymmetry to right i.e. 40sec after peak.
Baseline – 150 with 3-5 bpm variability
Decelerations – sporadic mild late decelerations – 10-15 bpm nadir x 1min with every 4th contraction with random nadir showing no progression in depth
Accelerations – none; scalp stimulation negative response at 12 minutes into this panel. Write on strip point of scalp stim with no parallel accel
1. Contractions: 7-8 60-70 second contractions in 20 min. See exception
below re deceleration associated contractions – 3 run together concluding 30 sec or so before end of deceleration.
Baseline 140 bpm for first 5 minutes w 7-8 bpm variability
Decelerations 1 deceleration x 5.5 minutes to initial nadir of 110 bpm x 45 seconds, followed by gradual return to 140 bpm. The deceleration parallels a triple contraction with total duration of 5 minutes – first contraction relative magnitude 1, second .75 and third .5 magnitude of first
Variability average / moderate at 145 pm after deceleration
Accelerations no accelerations after deceleration
1. Contractions: 7-8 60-70 second contractions in 20 min. Contractions at
more predictable intervals with no coupling or tripling of contractions
Baseline 140 bpm for first 6 minutes
Decelerations One deceleration x 6 minutes to initial nadir of 115 bpm x 35 seconds, followed by gradual return to 150 bpm baseline
Variability average / moderate at 6-7 bpm at 145 bpm baseline rate after deceleration
Accelerations 2 no accelerations after deceleration
1. Contractions: 7-8 60-70 second contractions in 20 min. See exception
below re deceleration associated contractions – 3 run together concluding 30 sec or so before end of deceleration.
Baseline 140 bpm for first 5 minutes w 7-8 bpm variability
Decelerations x 5.5 minutes to initial nadir of 110 bpm x 45 seconds, followed by gradual return to 140 bpm. The deceleration parallels a triple contraction with total duration of 5 minutes – first contraction relative magnitude 1; second .75 and third .5 magnitude of first.
Variability moderate at 145 pm after deceleration
Accelerations no accelerations after deceleration
1. Contractions: 7-8 60-70 second contractions in 20 min. Contractions at
more predictable intervals with no coupling or tripling of contractions
Baseline 145 bpm for first 5 minutes
Decelerations One deceleration x 6 minutes to initial nadir of 115 bpm x 35 seconds, followed by gradual return to 150 bpm baseline
Variability minimum- moderate at 4-5 bpm at 145 bpm baseline rate after deceleration
Accelerations no accelerations after deceleration
1. Ctxs – 8 contractions – as above strip 2
Baseline 155 bpm with min-mod variability varying 4-6 bpm transitioning every 6 minutes or so from 4 to 6 to 4 bpm
Decels – Variable decelerations at CTX 2, 4, 6, 8, - of 30 sec, 40 sec, 35 sec and 50 sec with nadir to 130, 135, 120, 115 nadir at that level for 15 sec each.
Accels – none; no scalp stim done
1. Panel 20 minutes
Nine contractions, each 50-60 sec long, in last 20 minutes. 2nd, 3rd and 4th contraction to long, about 10 secs, 6th needs 15 secs off,
Baseline rate at +/- 150 bpm over 20 minute panel with minimal variability
Three mild-moderate variable decelerations - (varying in duration from20-35 sec each to nadir varying between 105 to 120 bpm ( 4, 10 (needs to be moved over 1 min) and 16 (move 30 secs over to right) minutes in the 20 minute segment). There is no progression in depth or duration of the decelerations - random
There is one 18-bpm acceleration at minute 8-9 in the last 20 minutes
Category 2 with mild to moderate variable decelerations and minimal variability.
1. 1st panel:
Tracing to show 140 bpm with average variability and no decelerations. Five 50-second contractions noted in 20 minutes of observation. (1st and 2nd contraction 10sec less, 5th 30secs less
2nd panel:
Panel: 20-minute of FHR strip.
Contractions:11 in 20 minutes, each lasting +/- 50-55 seconds. (1st 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th too long 10-15 secs off)
Baseline +/- 165 bpm with minimal variability
Four mild to moderate, (but not unusual variable decelerations down to range of 105 to 125 bpm at minute 4, 11, 17 minutes, each with duration varying between 25-35 seconds.- with prompt return to baseline. There is no progression in depth or duration of decelerations – random. (1st 2nd more abrupt, 1st deeper, 4th more abrupt and deeper)
There are no spontaneous accelerations.
Indicate scalp stimulation at minute 18 with no resultant acceleration
1. 1st panel:
Contractions – average of 4 contractions / 10 minutes each symmetric x 60 seconds 3rd too long 30secs, 4th too long 20secs,
Baseline 1 – 145 with average variability
Decelerations 1 - none
Accelerations1 – none
2nd panel:
Contractions – 6 contractions / 10 minutes x 70 seconds with asymmetry to right i.e. 40sec after peak. (5th too long, shorten little, 8th make little longer)
Baseline2 – 150 with 3-5 bpm variability
Decelerations 2 – sporadic mild late decelerations – 10-15 bpm nadir x 1min with every 4th contraction with random nadir showing no progression in depth. (1st decel move 20-30 sec to left, 2nd decel move over the 8th contraction and make it look more gradual)
Accelerations2 – none; scalp stimulation negative response at 12 minutes into this panel. Write on strip point of scalp stim with no parallel accel.
1. 1st and 2nd panel:
Contractions: 7-8 60-70 second contractions in 20 min. (2nd too long by40 secs, 4th take off 10 secs, last 2 take off 20-30secs) See exception below re deceleration associated contractions – 3 run together concluding 30 sec or so before end of deceleration.
Baseline 140 bpm for first 5 minutes w 7-8 bpm variability
Decelerations deceleration x 5.5 minutes to initial nadir of 110 bpm x 45 seconds, followed by gradual return to 140 bpm. The deceleration parallels a triple contraction with total duration of 5 minutes – first contraction relative magnitude 1; second .75 and third .5 magnitude of first.
Variability1 average / moderate at 145 pm after deceleration
Accelerations no accelerations after deceleration
3rd panel:
Contractions2: 7-8 60-70 second contractions in 20 min. Contractions at more predictable intervals with no coupling or tripling of contractions (2nd, 4th 7th contraction too long
Baseline2 140 bpm for first 6 minutes
Decelerations2 One deceleration x 6 minutes to initial nadir of 115 bpm x 35 seconds, followed by gradual return to 150 bpm baseline
Variability2 average / moderate at 6-7 bpm at 145 bpm baseline rate after deceleration
Accelerations2 no accelerations after deceleration
1. 1st and 2nd panel:
Contractions: 7-8 60-70 second contractions in 20 min. See exception below re deceleration associated contractions – 3 run together concluding 30 sec or so before end of deceleration. (2nd too long, last 2 also to long)
Baseline 140 bpm for first 5 minutes w 7-8 bpm variability (move decel over to left to the 5th min, adjust contraction tripling)
Decelerations deceleration x 5.5 minutes to initial nadir of 110 bpm x 45 seconds, followed by gradual return to 140 bpm. The deceleration parallels a triple contraction with total duration of 5 minutes – first contraction relative magnitude 1; second .75 and third .5 magnitude of first.
Variability moderate at 145 pm after deceleration
Accelerations1 no accelerations after deceleration (move accel over to min 1)
3rd panel:
Contractions: 7-8 60-70 second contractions in 20 min. Contractions at more predictable intervals with no coupling or tripling of contractions (1st 3rd by 30-40secs, 5th by 20secs, 7th 40secs shorter)
Baseline 145 bpm for first 5 minutes
Decelerations One deceleration x 6 minutes to initial nadir of 115 bpm x 35 seconds, followed by gradual return to 150 bpm baseline (move decel over to min 5)
Variability minimum- moderate at 4-5 bpm at 145 bpm baseline rate after deceleration
Accelerations2 no accelerations after deceleration
1. 1st and 2nd panel:
Ctxs 8 in 18 or 9 in 20 min, each 60 sec
Baseline 180 bpm with minimal variability at 2-3 bpm
Decels – 30 second variable decels to 160, 155, 160 bpm nadir each with prompt return to baseline with one of three contractions
Accels- None
3rd panel:
Ctxs -8 in 18 or 9 in 20 mins, each 60 seconds
Baseline – 165 bpm w minimum variability at 3-4 bpm
Decels – 30 sec variable decels to 140,145,150,145 bpm (3rd decel more abrupt) nadirs, each with prompt return to baseline with one for each two-three contractions
Accels2 - None
1. Ctxs – 11 contractions each 50 sec 55 sec 50 sec, etc duration (3rd contraction from end too long)
Baseline -140bpm with mod variability -7-8 bpm
Decels - None
Accels – None until scalp stimulation to be written on strip done at 14 min into strip – 18 bpm x 20 sec
Ctxs2 – 10 contractions – each 60, 65, 60, 65 etc sec duration.
Baseline2 – 150 bpm with mod variability 7-8 bpm
Decels2 - Late Decel with Ctx 2, Ctx 8 (more gradual, less variable looking), each 15 bpm nadir
Variability2 – moderate at 7-8 bpm
Accels2 – none scalp stim not done.
1. Decelerations are common is all labors but the nature of these
decelerations in the third panel and the marked variability set them apart from the first panel
In the third panel every contraction is producing a decel and each decel is larger and deeper that its preceding one. Give the known natural history of uterine rupture and it propensity for causing rapid deterioration, this deceleration pattern should not be tolerated
1. There is a short portion with less variability and possibility a sinusoidal pattern. However at the end of it there are two accelerations. Given the benign association between Nisentil and sinusoidal, and the presence of these two accelerations this pattern does not warrant intervention and continued observation is very acceptable at time.
1. 20 minutes later after conservative interventions and during the move to the OR. baseline 140 bpm, moderate variability with no accelerations. No further prolonged decelerations, however there are intermittent variable decelerations occurring on average after every 3rd contraction since the prolonged deceleration. The nadir is at 85 bpm lasting 30 sec. Contractions are every 3 mins.
1. 1 hour later. baseline 125 bpm, min variability with no accelerations and 2 late decelerations noted over the last 20 mins. The nadir is 10 bpm below the baseline. Contractions are every 3 mins.
In these illustrations, make sure we have more than 2 contractions. Maybe have 8 contractions and 2 with late decels. Need minimal to some variability here.
1. exam now of 9/+1/100%/LOP and after conservative interventions. the accelerations have disappeared, the baseline is unchanged and recurrent variable decelerations developed initially with a nadir of 120 bpm but now the nadir is 95 bpm. The varibility has progressively decreased from moderate to now absent. The contractions are every 4-5 min.
1. The FHT showed the following characteristics: Tracing would show
category II – baseline 140, minimal variability with recurrent variable decelerations. Tracing is worsening category II---periods of min and mod variability and now recurrent late decelerations
Toco: with IUPC, every 3-4 minutes, low amplitude to match MVU listed above
1. Minimal variability with recurrent variable decelerations which are dipping to 60 bpm and lasting 30-40 seconds and one variable deceleration to the 60’s lasting 1 minute and one prolonged deceleration lasting 4 minutes to 40 bpm. Contractions every 3 minutes and are normal. Category II trending to III. Length of strip 30 minutes.
1. 15 min of baseline in 150s with minimal variability. Recurrent variable decelerations with nadir of 70 bpm lasting 1-2 min) 703_lo4_md_sct_q076 (example from Panel B); modifications (variable decels need last >1 min but <2 min on average and nadir around 70 bpm)/
Ctx about q 3min and decels are recurrent
1. Panel A: show 7-8 minutes of a pseudo-sinusoidal pattern with no decelerations and no accelerations; range of baseline between 120-160 bpm. Show about 2-3 minutes no FHRT indicating off the monitor. Contractions are every 3 minutes
Panel B: "Reattached to EFM in the OR”): several minutes of pseudo-sinusoidal pattern with some variability and an acceleration occurring a few minutes into the tracing
1. 15 minutes of strip; first few minutes is Category II with minimal variability and recurrent significant variable decelerations; the last several minutes- becomes Cat III (near absent variability and recurrent variables). Normal baseline in 150s with contraction pattern that indicates pushing spikes (q 2-3)
1. 150s baseline with prolonged deceleration with a nadir in 80s but with gradual decline and variability present in deceleration. Recovery to baseline but with single late deceleration with first contraction post prolonged decel and then no further decelerations and minimal variability after recovery along with baseline increase to 160 bpm; total tracing around 15 min and contractions are normal occurring q 3-4 min